Today is the day!

I’m pretty excited. Today, my book launches. Writing this book came about because I realized earlier last year that every time I explained one of my processes, it would change a little bit. So I made a flow chart – This made me realize that every time I did something, I followed a different process.

I needed to standardize my processes and refine my approach. I began writing out all of the steps in my flow chart; I then quickly realized I probably had just about enough content for a book. I started showing an early version of my book to coworkers and acquaintances. They liked it enough for me to think it might have legs. I’ve never written a book before, but I’m glad I did now, I found it to be a way to relax in the evening. I didn’t quite follow any of the guides that I read – they offer some interesting ideas on how to keep going. I took a different approach, and it was fun for me. Some weeks I wouldn’t touch the thing at all, others I would write 14000 words.

Writing isn’t easy

The part that threw me for a loop was the editing process. I finished the first draft almost five months ago. I’ve rewritten the whole thing probably two or three times. I had friends edit it; I hired an editor (Thanks Barry!). I rewrote more of it. It was a cycle that went on for far too long. I’m sure there are plenty of errors, repetition, and other bad things in the book, but I need to be done with the first version. I will update it quite a bit, being that I control the publishing I can make sure that as I see errors, I can fix them. I’ll keep a log of changes on the site here so; if people are interested, they can keep up with the progress. I just couldn’t stand to keep reading the book over and over and over again. I even started a second book as a form of procrastination (almost done with that first draft!).

buyer based marketing book

Now it starts!

To me, writing this book is just the start. I want to create a good program; I want to provide the support that the program deserves. I want to learn from people – how is this working for you? I want to release this book like you would release an early access video game, with the intention to consistently and regularly improve the message, strategy, and tactics.

I’m excited about the future of this material.